PDF Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca edition by Jonathan Yahalom Xavier E Cagigas Politics Social Sciences eBooks

In rural Mexico, people often say that Alzheimer’s does not exist. “People do not have Alzheimer’s because they don’t need to worry,” said one Oaxacan, explaining that locals lack the stresses that people face “over there”—that is, in the modern world. Alzheimer’s and related dementias carry a stigma. In contrast to the way elders are revered for remembering local traditions, dementia symbolizes how modern families have forgotten the communal values that bring them together.
In Caring for the People of the Clouds, psychologist Jonathan Yahalom provides an emotionally evocative, story-rich analysis of family caregiving for Oaxacan elders living with dementia. Based on his extensive research in a Zapotec community, Yahalom presents the conflicted experience of providing care in a setting where illness is steeped in stigma and locals are concerned about social cohesion. Traditionally, the Zapotec, or “people of the clouds,” respected their elders and venerated their ancestors. Dementia reveals the difficulty of upholding those ideals today. Yahalom looks at how dementia is understood in a medically pluralist landscape, how it is treated in a setting marked by social tension, and how caregivers endure challenges among their families and the broader community.
Yahalom argues that caregiving involves more than just a response to human dependency; it is central to regenerating local values and family relationships threatened by broader social change. In so doing, the author bridges concepts in mental health with theory from medical anthropology. Unique in its interdisciplinary approach, this book advances theory pertaining to cross-cultural psychology and develops anthropological insights about how aging, dementia, and caregiving disclose the intimacies of family life in Oaxaca.
PDF Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca edition by Jonathan Yahalom Xavier E Cagigas Politics Social Sciences eBooks
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Tags : Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca - edition by Jonathan Yahalom, Xavier E. Cagigas. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca.,ebook,Jonathan Yahalom, Xavier E. Cagigas,Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca,University of Oklahoma Press,Aging - Mexico - Oaxaca (State),Aging;Mexico;Oaxaca (State).,CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY,Caregivers,Caregivers.,DEMENTIA,Dementia - Mexico - Oaxaca (State),Dementia;Mexico;Oaxaca (State).,General Adult,HISTORY / Latin America / Mexico,Hispanic,History/World,MEDICAL / Nursing / Home Community Care,MEXICO - HISTORY,Medical/Nursing - Home Community Care,Mexico,Mexico; Alzheimer; Teotitlán del Valle; Zapotec; Migration; Mexican immigration; Medical Pluralism; Medical anthropology; Clinical psychology; Forgetfulness; Elder care; bènizàa; Globalization in Mexico; Sierra Norte; Sierra Sur; Teotitecos; confianza; Border crossing; curandera; curandero; allopathic doctor; La Danza de Los Viejos; Caregiving; Oaxaca's central valley,Mexico;Alzheimer;Teotitlán del Valle;Zapotec;Migration;Mexican immigration;Medical Pluralism;Medical anthropology;Clinical psychology;Forgetfulness;Elder care;bènizà a;Globalization in Mexico;Sierra Norte;Sierra Sur;Teotitecos;confianza;Border crossing;curandera;curandero;allopathic doctor;La Danza de Los Viejos;Caregiving;Oaxaca's central valley,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology,PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology,PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / Adulthood Aging,Psychology/Applied Psychology,Psychology/Clinical Psychology,Psychology/Developmental - Adulthood Aging,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural Social,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / General,Social Science/Anthropology - Cultural Social,Social Science/Ethnic Studies - General,UNIVERSITY PRESS,United States,HISTORY / Latin America / Mexico,MEDICAL / Nursing / Home Community Care,Medical/Nursing - Home Community Care,PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology,PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology,PSYCHOLOGY / Developmental / Adulthood Aging,Psychology/Applied Psychology,Psychology/Clinical Psychology,Psychology/Developmental - Adulthood Aging,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural Social,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / General,Social Science/Anthropology - Cultural Social,Social Science/Ethnic Studies - General
Caring for the People of the Clouds Aging and Dementia in Oaxaca edition by Jonathan Yahalom Xavier E Cagigas Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews :