» Download PDF Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy 2nd Edition Fully Revised and Updated Dr Myra J Wick MD PhD 9781893005600 Books
Megan Bradley on Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Download PDF Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy 2nd Edition Fully Revised and Updated Dr Myra J Wick MD PhD 9781893005600 Books

Product details - Paperback 520 pages
- Publisher Mayo Clinic; Revised edition (September 18, 2018)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1893005607

Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy 2nd Edition Fully Revised and Updated Dr Myra J Wick MD PhD 9781893005600 Books Reviews
- Very helpful and informative book for those planning to become pregnant or already pregnant. Mostly everything you need to know is in this book. It tracks your pregnancy week by week and discusses common symptoms during pregnancy, as well as pregnancy complications. It also has a section about postpartum and the newborn. Overall, it is a great reference and I highly recommend it.
- The book is better than others in the sense that it provides more medical explanations to prepare you to pregnancy (it does not just give the stereotypical advice that baby is now 10 inches tall so time to paint the nursery) but I was looking for more detail (what is exactly happening? How is the placenta forming? More than just "now his heartbeat can be heard", give me some data from medical studies explaining after how many weeks do you actually hear a heartbeat, how fast does it beat, how to identify it during an ultrasound etc). There was barely any data relating to miscarriage, which is a shame when you know that a lot of pregnancies end in a miscarriage (which was my case). All in all, there wasn't that much information I didn't already know from hearing women talk about their pregnancies around me.
- I debated whether or not to buy the "What to Expect While You're Expecting" series and I am glad I did further research and found the Mayo Clinic's Guide... This is a scientifically sound text that will answer ALL of your pregnancy needs & then some. I highly recommend it to all expectant mamas!!
- My wife is pregnant, we got this book for general knowledge and that is exactly what it is. It's a perfect go-to book when we have questions. For all you pregnant women, please do not Google symptoms and questions. Invest in a good book like this one for your answers. It's worth it and your child will appreciate it in the future )
- I love this book! Written by the experts, this book is more informative than "What to Expect When You Are Expecting". I read both books during my pregnancy. Once my son was born, I read "The Mayo Clinic's Guide to Your Baby's First Year", which was also very informative. I recommend anything written by the Mayo Clinic or the American Academy of Pediatrics. You can also find helpful information online...just search Mayo Clinic and the topic you are wondering about.
- Great pregnancy book! It has a ton of information, but isn’t too overwhelming. I love how things are broken out, as well as some the images and tables provided. It’s also written in a way that’s straightforward but doesn’t make me feel like I’m made of glass or going to severely hurt my baby if I leave the house lol.
- I love that this book covers ALL options without judgement just facts. All Natural in your house to scheduled C-section in the hospital and everything in between. It was just updated and covers the most recent birthing options, exercises, lactation options, and labor education. I am reading with my first pregnancy. This book makes be feel better prepared and not as scared of what is to come. Thank you Mayo Clinic!
- I read Dr. Sears pregnancy book at first, and thought it was more about the principles and general idea of being pregnant. And then I read this book from Mayo Clinic. It is very detailed and handy, I can follow its steps right away, which is an advantage to Dr. Sears' book for me. One of my friends' OB suggests her to follow Mayo Clinic's methods during pregnancy. Really happy that I found and read this book, already recommended to all of my perspective mom friends.